Saturday, March 31, 2007

George Lee trains the funlight on minimumwageland in this hilarious comediography about his adventures in retail.

Targeteer follows George as he sorts socks and zones underwear. He learns to speak a new language of specifically vague acronyms and gets lost in the big box. See George in Lingerie, Girl's Bottoms, Diapers and Women's Accessories. Watch him take orders from adolescents with walkie-talkies!

It's all here in this comediography of dramatic proportions. This is what the book "Nickel and Dimed" only hinted at. Author Barbara Ehrenreich subtitled it, "...On Not getting by in America". This is the funny and the unfunny of the way it really is in Retail Land, and unbelievable as it will seem, it's the real deal.


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メル友 said...


スタービーチ said...


出会い said...


モバゲー said...


玉の輿度チェッカー said...


出会い said...


流出画像 said...


スタービーチ said...


出会い said...


モバゲー said...


Hチェッカー said...


モニター said...

副業 在宅 でも出来る モニターアルバイト 募集!数ある副業の中、馬券モニター程稼げる副業はない!初心者の方でも簡単にできるのが最大の特権です

スタービーチ said...


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モバゲー said...


スタービーチ said...


流出 said...

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スタービーチ said...


スタービーチ said...

出 会いを探しているのなら会員数ナンバーワンのスタービーチ!開放的な夏休みはここで新しい出 会いを見つけよう!

mコミュ said...


モテる度チェッカー said...


グリー said...


Anonymous said...

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Guide: How to convert MP2 to MP3 with the MP2 to MP3 converter
Did you ever be confused by how to convert MP2 to MP3 ? This guide will teach you how to convert MP2 to MP3 with the MP2 to MP3 converter ? With this MP2 to MP3 converter, you can convert MP2 to MP3 easy and quickly, and convert audio file between OGG, MP3, WAV, WMA, MP2 formats at will. Free download is available.
Introduction of the MP2 to MP3 converter
This WAV file converter, also a MP2 converter to convert MP2 to WAV, is a best MP2 to MP3 converter to convert MP2 to MP3 with fast speed and perfect quality.
How to convert MP2 to MP3? How to convert MP2 to WAV? With Allok OGG MP3 Converter(, ), you will no longer be confused by these questions. For the function of WAV file converter and MP2 converter, it can convert MP2 to WAV; and for its function of MP2 to MP3 converter, it also can convert MP2 to MP3. It is designed to meet all your needs of convert audio file between OGG, MP3, WAV, WMA, MP2 formats.
The main features include:
Batch convert all supported formats to another format; copy or edit ID3 tag between all formats; playback audio files with its built-in player. Very quick in conversion speed and no quality is lost!
Key Features:
WAV file converter. MP2 converter- convert MP2 to WAV. MP2 to MP3 converter- convert MP2 to MP3. Convert OGG, WMA, MP2, WAV to MP3. Convert MP3, WAV, MP2, WMA to OGG. Convert OGG, WMA, MP2, MP3 to WAV. Convert OGG, MP3, MP2, WAV to WMA. Convert OGG, MP3, WMA, WAV to MP2. Edit ID3 tags for all format audio files. Support batch conversion. Includes built-in Audio Player. Drag and Drop audio files into the window of Allok OGG MP3 Converter(, ). A friendly interface.
Step-by-step Guide: How to convert MP2 to MP3 with the MP2 to MP3 converter?
Step 1: Free download the MP2 to MP3 converter and run it.
Step 2: Launch the MP2 to MP3 converter and the concise interface is as follows:
Step 3: Click "Add Files" to load MP2 file(s) to be converted to MP3:
Step 4: Click "Output Format" combo-box to select MP3 as the output file:
Step 5: Choose an output path or use the default one:
Step 6: Start to convert MP2 to MP3:
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逆援助 said...


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SM度チェッカー said...


スタービーチ said...


モバゲー said...


ツイッター said...


Anonymous said...

So I took the plunge -- bought myself a [url=]Fatman iTube Dock[/url] and I've got to say I am pleasantly surprised. I actually listened to one at a friend's house a few months back and just couldn't get that sound out of my head because it really truly surprised me. I searched online everywhere for a great deal and finally found it at [url=]Ordio[/url] in Westfield Bondi Junction. I telephoned them first and asked every question I could think of and everything was answered to my satisfaction so I went ahead and made the purchase. Dispatch was very fast. Everything was perfect. I'm pretty darn happy and I'm playing it right now. Not sure if they dispatch outside of Oz but you won't be sorry if they do.

Music to my ears...


スタービーチ said...


mコミュ said...

素敵な出 会 いで愛を育む♪理想の人と楽しめる関係を築きませんか?mコミュでしか味わえない幸せを掴みましょう

スタービーチ said...


名言チェッカー said...


mixi said...


モバゲー said...


モバゲータウン said...


グリー said...

グリーで提供しているのは他社にはできない出 会 い。質の悪い出 会 いよりも質の良いものを提供しております。体験してもらえれば違いは一目瞭然

スタビ said...


スタービーチ said...


モバゲー said...


gree said...


スタービーチ said...

スタービーチで始まる素敵な出 合いをしていきませんか。楽しめる出 合いを経験するにはココから始まる!!最高の出 合いがあなたを待っている

スタビ said...


mコミュ said...


ツイッター said...


SMチェッカー said...


モバゲー said...

今やモバゲーは押しも押されもせぬ人気SNS!当然出 会いを求めてる人も多い!そこで男女が出 逢えるコミュニティーが誕生!ここなら友達、恋人が簡単にできちゃいますよ

グリー said...

最近はどこのSNSサイトも規制ばっかりで、ちょっと出 合いに関して書き込みするとアク禁食らうけど、夏休み終盤に差し掛かり色々なサイトを調べた結果、グリーだけはどうも規制が緩んでるみたいです。今がチャンスの時期ですよ

スタービーチ said...


グリー said...


グリー said...


モバゲー said...


グリー said...


出会い said...


モバゲー said...


モバゲー said...


モバゲー said...


SM度チェッカー said...


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モバゲー said...


モバゲー said...

今モバゲー内で口コミに広がり、出 会えない奴はいないだろうと噂されてるぐらい簡単に逢えるコミュニティが有るのをご存知ですか?その噂のコミュニティを教えますよ

グリー said...

グリーの掲示板で出 会いをしてみませんか?今までの出 会い系よりも出 会える確率はかなり上がっています。無料登録でgree掲示板を利用しよう!

秋華賞 said...

2010年 第15回 秋華賞の全ての情報がここに集結!(出走馬、枠順、オッズ、有力馬、軸馬、展開、結果)などを全てを公開致します!レースの鍵を握る馬は一体!?緻密なデータで今回は勝ちにこだわります

流出画像 said...


菊花賞 said...

菊花賞 2010 予想 オッズには抜け穴がある…現場スタッフによるデータ収集、さらに血統に関しても徹底して分析済み!出走馬の調整、展開を完全に読みきる!優良サイトをランキング形式で大公開!

神待ち said...


天皇賞 秋 2010 said...

第142回 天皇賞 秋 2010 今年の波乱を大予想!出走馬の厳選された情報だけを公開…気になるアノ馬の仕上がり具合とは?さらにオッズやデータを分析し、必勝買い目を導き出す!結果につなげるのはあなた次第!

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神待ち said...


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第62回 朝日杯フューチュリティステークス 2010 人気に左右されないレース独自の傾向があった!自社独自に集めた豊富なデータから導かれた予想を大公開

有馬記念 2010 said...

有馬記念 2010 過去のデータから共通する勝ち馬の法則!!注目馬や穴馬などの最新情報を随時公開!

有馬記念 2010 said...

有馬記念 2010 過去のデータから共通する勝ち馬の法則!!注目馬や穴馬などの最新情報を随時公開!

デコログ said...

芸能人と仲良くなれちゃうコミュニティ デコログ(DECOLOG)誕生☆今よりももっとずっと、楽しい♪を見つけちゃおう

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The company offers a single [url=]nhom mua gia re[/url] for every day in every and each of the marketplaces it serves. The Groupon performs as an assurance arrangement making use of ThePoint's method: if a distinct amount of folks indicator up for the provide, then the offer gets obtainable to all if the predetermined minimal is not met, no a solitary will get the offer you that working day. This decreases chance for retailers, who can deal with the coupon codes as volume reductions as effectively as merchandise product sales marketing instruments. Groupon tends to make cash by maintaining around 50 per cent the money the customer pays for the coupon.

For occasion, an $eighty therapeutic massage could be acquired by the consumer for $forty through Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would split the $forty. That is, the retailer provides a therapeutic massage valued at $eighty and will get about $twenty from Groupon for it (beneath a 50%/fifty% split). Or, if $240 worth of house painting providers is bought by the buyer for $50 by implies of Groupon, then the company will get $twenty five and Groupon retains $25. The customer gets the massage, or the residence portray assist, in these examples, from the retailer for which they at first compensated $forty (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are certain corporations to which Groupon to get started with did not supply its services, which involves capturing ranges and strip golf equipment however, capturing ranges have been showcased on Groupon.

As opposed to categorised marketing and advertising, the service company does not shell out any upfront price to take portion: Groupon collects customized information from geared up buyers and then contacts only these clients, primarily by everyday e-mail, who could perhaps be intrigued in a distinct remedy or service.

Groupon employs a large amount of copywriters who draft descriptions for the offers highlighted by e mail and on the net web site. Groupon's promotional textual articles for the 'deals' has been observed as a contributing element to the reputation of the web website, showcasing a unique blend of complete reality-checking and witty humor.

Owing to Groupon's marketplace presently currently being primarily composed of lady shoppers, the gives are usually centered on the well being, health and health and fitness and elegance marketplaces.

There are likely difficulties with the company product. For example, a effective offer could briefly swamp a small business with as well numerous purchasers, risking a likelihood that customers will be dissatisfied, or that there won't be sufficient products to fulfill up with the need. Hole, a large attire retailer, was able to offer with 445,000 discount codes in a countrywide offer you (despite the fact that it knowledgeable server troubles at 1 stage), but a scaled-down sized enterprise could change out to be suddenly flooded with clientele. One coffee store in Portland, Oregon struggled with an enhance in shoppers for 3 months, when it acquired shut to 1,000 Groupons on the one particular working day it was provided, according to a one report. In response to related troubles, Groupon officials level out that 'deal' subscriptions should be capped in progress to a realistic quantity.

Read More: [url=]nhom mua gia re[/url]

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